  • 期刊


The acute effect of vibration training on Vastus Medialis Obliquus and Vastus Lateralis muscle activity in female athletes


目的:振動訓練是透過振動波誘發肌肉活動,以促進身體活動表現,近年來也常被用在訓練及物理治療上,本研究欲透過立即性的振動訓練來探討女性運動員下階梯及落地反彈跳過程中股內斜肌與股外側肌活化表現之影響。方法:本研究招募24名女性運動員,並隨機分派為三組,分別為對照組(20.13±2.17歲)、振動訓練組(20.75±1.28歲)及髖內收振動訓練組(21.5±2.39歲)。利用10台Vicon攝影機(250Hz)、Kistler測力板(1500Hz)和Noraxon無線肌電系統(1500Hz),同步收集下階梯及落地垂直跳過程的下肢關節活動範圍及肌肉活化情形,並以Visual 3D進行資料處理。統計方式以SPSS 20.0進行二因子混和設計變異數分析,比較三組間下肢關節活動範圍、股內斜肌與股外側肌活化值及活化時序差異。結果:下階梯及落地垂直跳動作中的關節活動範圍、股內斜肌與股外側肌肌肉活化及活化比值未達顯著差異(p>.05);在活化時序差方面下階梯動作三組間皆未達顯著差異,而落地垂直跳動作中振動訓練組與對照組則達顯著差異(p<.05)。結論:立即性振動訓練介入後並未改變下階梯及落地垂直跳的動作型態及肌肉活化值的情形,但在落地垂直跳動作中可觀察出股內斜肌與股外側肌的活化時序差有改變的情形。


Purpose: Vibration training is to activate muscle through vibrational wave. Recently, it has also been applied in training and physical therapy. This study was to investigate the effect of two kinds of vibration interventions (semi-squat and semi-squat with hip adduction) on Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO) and Vastus Lateralis (VL) during stair descent and drop jumping in female athletes. Methods: Twenty-four healthy female athletes were randomly assigned to the three groups, including the control group (age:20.13±2.17 years), the vibration group (age: 20.75±1.28 years), the hip adduction vibration group (age: 21.5±2.39 years). A 10-camera Vicon system (250Hz), a Kistler force plate (1000Hz) and Noraxon EMG system (1500Hz) were used to collect 3D kinematics, Kinetic and EMG data, respectively during stair descent and drop jump. The variance of pre-and post-test among control group, vibration group and hip adduction were compared by Two-way ANOVA. The significant level was set at ɑ=.05. Results: Between pre-and post-test joint displacement, and VMO:VL muscle ratio were not significantly different for all the three groups during stair descent and drop jump (p > .05). For the VMO and VL EMG onset-time, there was a significantly difference between vibration training group and control group during drop jump (p < .05). Although, the VMO and VL EMG onset-time was not significantly during stair descent (p > .05). Conclusions: The acute vibration training interventions can significantly affect VMO and VL onset time during drop jump, but not during stair descent.


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