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The Definition of "Qù Bing" & "Miăn Sĭ Zhī Yì" in Zuo Zhuan in 546 B. C.




《左傳》 弭兵 去兵 免死之邑 子罕


This article interprets two phrases from Zuo Zhuan in 546 B.C- "Qù Bing" & "Qĭng Miăn Sĭ Zhī Yì". In the past, scholars interpreted "Qù Bing" as "to removal of weapons and equipment", but it was different from the meaning of "Mi Bing" which was interpreted as to quell the war and to sign a truce. There was a phrase- "Făng Yān Yĭ Dù Er Qù Zhī" from Zuo Zhuan in 523 B.C. Moreover, from "The interpretations for Classics" (Lu Deming 550-630, Tang Dynasty) and "The Definitions for Spring & Autumn Classics" (Kong Yingda 574-648, Tang Dynasty), the word "Qù" should be read as "Jŭ" and the meaning is to conceal. There were several "Qù" in Zuo Zhuan and they could also be explained in the same way. According to this explanation, "Qù Bing" should be interpreted as "Cáng Bing" which means to store weapons, therefore to quell wars. If it is so, "Mi Bing", "Ji Bing" and "Jing Bing" are similar to "Qù Bing". The Phrases "Qĭng Miăn Sĭ Zhī Yì" (from Zuo Zhuan), "Miăn Nàn Zhī Shăng" (from Guó Yŭ), "Miăn Hóu Zhī Dì" (from Xīn Shū) and "Miăn Yú Qióng E Zhī Dì" (from Wú Yuè Chūn Qiū) are all the same word-building. The meaning of "Miăn Nàn Zhī Shăng" is a reward for avoiding being attacked by the enemy. "Miăn Hóu Zhī Dì" means the territory is without military protection. "Miăn Yú Qióng E Zhī Dì" means to avoid standing a siege of poverty and disaster. The word-building of those three phrases above is similar to "Miăn Sĭ Zhī Yì", and Fú Qián (?-?, Eastern Han Dynasty) defined this phrase as the territory is a reward for avoiding people being killed.
