  • 期刊
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A Loop Debate between the Ethical Perspectives of "Man in the World" and "The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings"




When interpreting Zhuangzi's "Man in the World" and "The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings" in the past, they were always distinguished as the theory of conducting the world and the theory of ruling the world. The former focuses on the transcendence of an individual, while the latter presents the political attitudes in "Zhuangzi" by elaborating on political aspects. However, such a division cannot effectively unify the internal context of thoughts in "Zhuangzi", and fails to hold the theoretical connections between chapters. Accordingly, this study attempts to link the inner thoughts between the two chapters through the discussion of "ethics". This paper highlights the particularity of the theory of neisheng waiwang (a sage in the inner sphere, a king in the outer sphere) in "Zhuangzi", and develops the dialectical thinking relationship between the ethics of the two chapters.


Zhuangzi the Ethicas Neisheng-Waiwang
