  • 期刊


Perspectives on Innovating the College Entrance System in Taiwan




This study analyzed the idea and issue for developing a college entrance system in Taiwan that understands the experience using an eight-year study from the United States to provide the framework for innovating college entrance systems in Taiwan. This study used King's method to establish comparative points. First, the trend of college entrance systems included de-politicization, deregulation, independent institutes, exam professionalization, and multiple entrance paths into colleges. However, previous studies indicated the affects from college entrance systems showed that student learning was ignored. Further, these previous studies also indicated that it was hard to reduce the pressure from exams and student enrollment will be influenced by socioeconomic status. Second, the capabilities approach was designed to compare scores with the experience of the eight-year study to Taiwan. By loosening restrictions for entering college, the experiences of the eight-year study recorded students' performance with multiple data. This study also designed an adaptive curriculum based on student interest and need. Enrolled college students had better learning outcomes that can be seen from the fairness used to develop student potential. Finally, four discourses, which included goals statement of high school, teacher and student participation curriculum and pedagogical considerations, evidence of past student performance, and meta-verification of student performance in college were discussed for college entrance systems in Taiwan. The results of this study provided eight suggestions for innovating the college entrance system in Taiwan.


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