  • 期刊


Master Ju-Lun Wu's Inspection of Japanese Education and Reevaluation of Its Influence on the Drafting of School Systems in the Late Ch'ing Period




The modernization of Chinese education began from the late Ch'ing period, and the 1902 Ren-yin and 1904 Kuei-mao school systems marked the beginning of the modernization of Chinese education, which borrowed from Japanese education. Numerous studies have claimed that master Ju-Lun Wu was one of the key figures, before he inaugurated the vice-chancellor of Imperial Capital University, who inspected Japanese education over 4 months. He inquired into the development and problems of Japanese education by inspecting schools and universities; discussing with scholars, educators, and officials; listening to lectures; and collecting materials. His findings were reported to Minister Pai-Shi Chang and related staff and his Collected Records of Visiting Japan was published. Although his book became a reference book, this study found that Ju-Lun Wu was not directly involved in drafting school systems for several reasons. Therefore, the 1904 Kuei-mao system remains an uncritical, imitated Japanese school system.


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