  • 期刊


A Follow-Up Study on the Learning Experiences of Students who Graduated From High School Science Classes




This is a follow-up survey to understand the performance of students who graduated from senior high school science classes and have entered a university as well as to obtain their views on the curriculum and learning experience. The study also compared gifted students in the math/science curricular classes and students in regular classes to provide a reference to education officials regarding curriculum design and the identification and placement of gifted students. In this study, a total of 454 questionnaires were collected from science class students, with 346 questionnaires from the gifted class students in math/science and 727 questionnaires from the regular class students. According to the results of descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, science class students were highly satisfied with their high school curriculum and their learning and felt that the curriculum had increased their problem-solving and self-learning abilities. No significant differences were found in most items between gifted class students and regular class students. However, many science class students provided some suggestions for improving the transition to higher education and selecting more suitable students to enter these classes.


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