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What Does Early and Middle Adulthood Look Like? A Comparison of Structural Models on Mindful Learning, Emotional Creativity, Capacity to Savor, and Flourishing Life




Literature indicates potential differences of flourishing life in adulthood. However, studies on these differences in relation to mindful learning, emotional creativity, and capacity to savor are scant. This study therefore constructed a model to study the relationships among mindful learning, emotional creativity, capacity to savor, and flourishing life in early and middle adulthood. In total, 616 adults randomly selected from Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan participated in this study. Analysis methods included descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The results demonstrated the following: (1) The capacity to savor in early and middle adulthood can mediate the prediction from mindful learning to flourishing life, whereas in early adulthood alone, emotional creativity has a mediator effect for the prediction from mindful learning to flourishing life. (2) In early and middle adulthood, emotional creativity to capacity to savor plays a serial mediating role in the prediction from mindful learning to flourishing life. (3) The scores of novelty producing, flexibility, flourishing life, benevolence-blessing positive emotions, playfulness-blessing engagement, harmony-blessing identify meaning, respectful-blessing competent requirements, and optimism-blessing optimistic attitude were significantly higher in middle adulthood than in early adulthood. (4) The scores of emotion preparedness and emotion novelty were significantly higher in early adulthood than in middle adulthood. Based on these results, suggestions regarding life practice and future research are discussed subsequently.


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