  • 期刊


Transition and Change: Women's Perspectives toward Climacteric in Taiwan


更年期是每位婦女必經的過程,由於賀爾蒙的改變,身、心、社會及文化之轉銜與改變伴隨而至,如何安度更年期成爲平安進入老年的重要課題。本研究採民族誌學方法,對象爲研究者以滾雪球抽樣方式深度訪談五位不同時期的更年期婦女。藉由ATLAS/ti 5.0軟體轉譯逐字稿檔案,以持續比較方式進行跨個案分析,爲尋求模式澄清,先將資料進行跨個案變項取向分析中介矩陣,再以Huberman (1986, 1989)與Gladwin(1989)提出的複和式順序分析方法,利用時间排序中介矩陣獲得婦女在停經前、中及後期對更年期所代表轉銜與改變的四個主題,包括生物醫學觀點、轉變觀點、自然過程觀點及外部因素觀點。研究結果將有助於護理人員瞭解台灣婦女對更年期觀點,本研究更進一步建議政府應該重視更年期婦女身心健康,提供相對之完善福利。


更年期 停經 轉銜 改變


Climacteric is a process all women must face. The hormonal changes of menopause are associated with physical, mental, social and cultural changes, and the process is a major event in female aging. This study presents the findings of an ethnographic study of female perspectives on climacteric base on interviews with women experiencing the initial, middle and ending phases of climacteric in Taiwan. Study participants were chosen via snowball sampling, using inter-person radiation to achieve the sampling objectives. Five women were interviewed. This study adopted ethnographic research methods, and then used ATLAS/ti 5.0 software to transform the data into word document form. Constant comparison method was used for cross-case study. To clarify the patterns identified by comparison, data was first variable-orientation analyzed into a matrix form, then composite sequence analysis was performed used together with time-ordered matrix to obtain the analytical results. The four themes representing the changes and transitions that women undergo during the initial, middle and end of menopause are as follows: biological and medical, change, natural process, and other factors perspectives. Through the clinical practices, health education and medical policies that help focus on women undergoing climacteric.


Climacteric transition change woman's health perspective


行政院衛生署 (2009年10月1日)‧內政統計資服務綱‧ 2009年11月12日 取自 http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/
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