  • 期刊


Mortality Factors for Major Trauma in Central Taiwan: Implications for Establishing a Trauma Registry and Trauma System




This investigation explores pattern and risk factors of mortality associated with major trauma. A trauma registry dataset from a medical center was used to analyze mortality factors for major trauma via logistical models. The likelihood of mortality increased by 2.9% with each year of patient age. Furthermore, the odds of mortality increased by 12.4% with each one point increase in injury severity score. Other mortality factors include unstable vital signs on arrival (OR=5.69), and complications during trauma care (OR=2.48). Patients with Glasgow Coma Score below 13 (OR=12.19), and transferred patients (OR=3.34) were significantly associated with early mortality defined as occurring within 48 hours after injury. Age, unstable vital signs, injury severity score, severe head and neck injury and complications were risk factors associated with mortality from major trauma. Risk factors differed between mortality within and beyond 48 hours following admission. Maintaining stable vital signs, making appropriate decisions during the initial phase and reducing complications are the most important guidelines for optimizing care of major trauma patients.


內政部警政署 (2009年9月26日)‧96年道路交通事故分析‧取自 http://www.npa.gov.tw/NPAGip/wSite/ct?xItem=44217&ctNode=11398&mp=1
行政院衛生署衛生 (2009年10月5日)‧統計專區‧見 http://www.doh.gov.tw/statistic/
American College of Srgeons, Committee on Trauma, National Trauma Data Bank Web site. (2010, Jan 15), from http://www.facs.org/(2010, Jan 15), from http://www.facs.org/
Bureau of National Health Insurance (2009, Juan 2). Statistical Annual Report, 2005-2007, from http://www.nhi.gov.tw/webdata/webdata.asp? menu=1&menu_id=4&webdata_id=3108&WD_ID.
Formosa Association for the Surgery of Trauma Web site. (2009, Juan 2), from http://www.trauma.org.tw/


