  • 期刊

On the Tonal Inventory of the Taiwanese Language: A Perceptual Study



台語學者一般認爲台語的字義聲調有7個,chit 7個聲調嘛普遍ték予台語字典參考使用。其中,5今聲調出現佇有響音結尾的音節,另外2个聲調出現佇非響音結尾的音節。本研究採用認知實驗來顯示,若是用基本頻率做線索的時,非響音結尾的音節並無法度kap響音結尾音節做區別。參與受測驗的人kan-nā會當佇tng強度退降率有真大無仝的時,才會當區別chit 2組聲調。響音結尾的音節比非響音結尾的音節有較慢的強度退降率。研究結果顯示,台語有5个無全的字義聲調,而且台語的音節kap超音段特質累積組合,形成7項無全的狀態,每1个狀態由基本頻率kap強度訊息的組合來決定。聲調的變調效果嘛會使藉著超音段狀態的轉換來解釋。本研究藉認知實驗的結果顯示台語實際上kan-nā有5个字義聲調,chit今結果嘛回應音位理論學的看法,就是講,非響音結尾音節的聲調實際上是響音結尾聲調的同位聲調。


It is generally accepted amongst Taiwanese scholars that syllables in the Taiwanese language take on one of seven lexical tones, and these seven tones are frequently cited in the major Taiwanese dictionaries. Five tones are known to occur on sonorant-final syllables and the remaining two on non-sonorant final syllables. This study employs a set of perception experiments to demonstrate that the class of non-sonorant final syllables are undistinguishable from the class of sonorant-final syllables when cued on fundamental frequency. Subjects are only able to separate the two classes when the rate of intensity decay is significantly different. Sonorant final syllables have a much slower rate of intensity decay than non-sonorant final syllables. These results suggest that the Taiwanese language consists of five distinct lexical tones and that the Taiwanese syllables aggregate suprasegmental attributes that take on one of seven distinct states. Each state is determined from a combination of f0 and intensity information. Tone sandhi effects can be explained as suprasemental state transitions. The findings confirm that there exist only five lexical tones in the Taiwanese language, echoing the phonemic view that tones with non-sonorant final syllables are allophonic tones of tones with sonorant-final syllables.


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