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Comparison of Some Food Names in Taiwanese and Southern Vietnamese

台語kap越南語南部腔-kóa chiah-mih名稱ê比較


This study aims at comparing the phonological features of some food name in Southern Vietnamese and Taiwanese. Most of the names are identifiable with the readings of certain Chinese characters that are different from those of the Sino-Vietnamese (Hán-Việt) but correspond to those of Taiwanese. They are also different from the Yue (粤) readings often encountered in the food name as well. The data are collected in our own field work in Tainan in 2018 and in the etymological dictionary Tầm-nguyên Tự-điển Việt-Nam compiled by Lê Ngọc Trụ in 1993. Among the characteristic features of Taiwanese phonology, one of the most predominant ones is the existence of nasalized vowels and the lack of nasal finals often attested in the nasal-final rhymes of Middle Chinese. Some of the typical examples are as follows: 麵 mỳ 'noodle from wheat' < mī (Taiwanese), *mjian^D (Middle Chinese); 餅 bía (in bò bía) 'popiah,' pía (in bánh pía) 'mooncake' < piá^n (TW), *pjajŋ^R (MC); 橄欖 cà na 'Cymbidium kanran' < ka^n-ná (TW), *kam^R lam^R (MC); 茶料thèo lèo 'sweets' < tê-liāu (TW), *trɦaːL liaw^D (MC). Concerning the tonal correspondence between the Vietnamese and Taiwanese food names, the high/low contrast of the original Southern Min is preserved in Vietnamese tonal system. For example, tàu hũ ky 'tofu skin' in Southern Vietnamese corresponts to tāu-hū-ki (Taiwanese 豆腐枝), in which the low value of hū 腐 is preserved in Vietnamese hũ with ngã tone that originally belongs to the low register.


這項研究比較越南語南部腔kap台語tī一kóa chiah-mih名稱內底ê語音特徵。大多數ê名稱會當透過一kóa漢字ê唸法來區分,這kóa漢字kap漢越詞無kāng,但是kap台語相對應。In mā tī食物名稱內底tiā^n tú-tiõh kap粵語ê唸法無kāng。研究數據是阮tī 2018年台南ê田野調查內底收集kap 1993年由Lê Ngọc Trụ編寫ê詞源詞典Tầm-nguyên Tự-điển Việt-Nam。Tī台語ê語音內底,siōng主要ê特徵之一chiū是存在鼻音元音kap欠缺鼻中音節,che tī中古漢語ê鼻-siōng尾韻律內底得tiõh證明。一kóa典型ê範例親像:麵mỳ< mī(台灣話),*mjian^D(中古漢語);餅 bía(bò bía內底)'popiah',pía(bánh pía內底)'月餅' < piá^n(台語),*pjajŋ^R(中古漢語); 橄欖cà na < ka^n-ná(台語),*kam^R lam^R(中古漢語); 茶料thèo lèo < tê-liāu(台語),*trɦaːL liaw^D(中古漢語)。有關越南kap台灣chiah-mih名稱之間ê調值對應關係,越南語南部腔iáu-koh保留原始閩南ê koân/ kē對比度。親像,越南南部ê tàu hũ ky對應tāu-hū-ki(台語豆腐枝),其中hū腐ê kē音調值保留tī越南語hũ內底,伊原底是ngã調ê kē調位。


chiah-mih名稱 借用 越南南部腔 台語


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