  • 期刊


The Property Management Practice and Early Design Intervention of the Common Facility in Existing Apartment Buildings


近年來不少既有公寓大廈之公共設施已呈現閒置或損壞狀態、造成管理上的困難。深究其主因乃在於公寓大廈公共設施之規劃設計欠缺從物業管理的角度進行檢討所致。有鑑於此,本研究擬訂了二個研究目的:(1)進行公寓大廈公共設施使用管理問題之調查;(2)研擬物業管理前期介入公共設施規劃設計階段檢核表,以供規劃設計者於前期規劃設計階段、從物業管理的角度進行公寓大廈公共設施之。本研究首先針對十個既有公寓大廈案例進行田野調查,及其物管公司或管委會進行訪談(公共設施之使用管理問題)。其次,再針對各類公共設施之使用問題,逐一提出相對應之設計準則建議。本研究彙整出公寓大廈之大公設施、小公設施、庭園、停車場和其他等五類設施,總計十三大類、104 個常見的使用問題。再者,本研究研擬一份物業管理前期介入之規劃設計檢核表,以供公寓大廈公共設施之規劃設計者參採。該檢核表針對各類公寓大廈公共設施之「設施項目」(重要空間),列出重要之「設計決策」,逐一提出相對應之「設計準則」建議,並具體指出每一設計準則可以達成的物業管理效益。檢核表總計包含24 個公共設施項目、140 個設計決策、141 條設計準則。


The common facilities in many existing apartment buildings have become obsolete or damaged and resulted in property management difficulties. These problems resulted from the lack of comprehensive evaluation from the 'property management' aspect when designing the common facilities of apartment buildings. This study therefore intends to achieve the following two research objectives: (1) investigate the problems often observed in the common facilities in apartment buildings; and (2) establish a checklist that reviews the planning and design of common facilities from the ‘property management’ aspect in early design phase. This study conducted field studies on ten existing apartment buildings and interviewed the property management companies and management commissions of the ten apartment buildings in order to identify use problems often seen. Then, design criteria are proposed for each common facility use problem. This study summarizes thirteen types of use problems often seen (104 use problems in total) in five types of common facilities in apartment buildings. Besides, this study devises a common facility design review checklist designed to be used for the designers of common facilities in apartment buildings in early design phase from property management perspective. The design review checklist is organized around common facility space in five types of common facilities, important design decision, design criteria and property management benefits. The complete design review checklist consists of 141 design criteria for 140 important design decisions in 24 common facility spaces.


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