  • 期刊


Comparison of Three Ultrasonic Detecting Systems for Bat Echolocation Study


本研究運用AnaBat、Pettersson及Avisoft等3套超音波偵測與錄音系統檢視台灣蝙蝠超音波,分析探討其功能上之差異,以確認每套系統對於蝙蝠超音波研究之應用面。本研究選定使用變頻式(FM)超音波之台灣鼠耳蝠(Myotis taiwanensis)及常頻式(CF-FM)音頻的台灣葉鼻蝠(Hipposideros terasensis)爲測錄對象,並比較其音頻特徵值之差異,包括最高頻率、最低頻率、特徵頻率及持續時間。在相同的條件下,同時以3套系統進行蝙蝠超音波的測錄及比較,結果顯示使用不同超音波類型的蝙蝠種類、各系統錄音感度與硬體配備,以及各套裝系統分析軟體判定有效蝙蝠音頻之功能等因素會導致判定的有效音頻數及各項音頻特徵測量值有顯著的差異。我們建議AnaBat系統適用於蝙蝠類動物的普查與監測,而Pettersson與Avisoft二系統則可用於進行較精細的蝙蝠聲音學與行爲生態學研究。


We used three bat detector systems, AnaBat, Pettersson and Avisoft, to record and analyze echolocations of two bat species with different echolocation types: Myotis taiwanensis with FM type and Hipposideros terasensis with CF-FM type. Maximum frequencies, minimum frequencies, characteristic frequencies and durations of pulses of the bat echolocations were described and compared among the three systems. The results showed that the function and application of each of the detector systems depend on sensitivity of its recording apparatus and analytical software and on the echolocation type (FM or CF-FM) of the bat. The AnaBat system is useful for bat fauna survey and long-term monitoring, whereas the Pettersson and Avisoft systems are suitable for behavior study and for solving echolocation issues.
