  • 期刊


Physical Fitness Analysis of Junior School Students with Intellectual Disability


本研究的主要目的有四:(一)探討國中智障男女生體適能發展的差異性。(二)探討國中智障運動選手與非選手學生體適能發展的差異性。(三)探討不同年齡國中智障學生體適能發展的差異性。(四)探討國中智障學生身體機能與體適能的關連性及其預測力。本研究方法,研究對象包括64名國中智障學生,以測量法測試國中智障學生的身體形態、身體機能、運動能力。本研究應用t檢驗、F檢驗、相關法及多元回歸法分析資料,本研究結果顯示:1. 國中智障男女生的體適能發展,只有呼吸率(次/分)、肺活量、50公尺跑步及立定跳遠有顯著差異,其他如身高、體重、心跳及一分鐘仰臥起坐次數與單足立等運動表現都沒有差異。2. 智障運動選手與非選手學生體適能發展只有50公尺跑步及單足立的運動表現有顯著差異,其他各種發展指標都沒有差異。3.不同年齡智障生的身高、體重、心跳、肺活量及一分鐘仰臥起坐次數、單腳站立與立定跳遠的運動能力有顯著差異外,其他各種發展指標都沒有差異。4.體重、身高、BMI、肺活量與柔軟度有密切關連性。體重、身高、BMI、肺活量可有效預測柔軟度解釋力達26%;平衡感與肌耐力和瞬發力有顯著相關。肌耐力和瞬發力可有效預測平衡感解釋力達33%。


The purposes of this study were to (1) understand the differences between male and female in physical fitness of junior school students with Intellectual Disability. (2) explore the differences between athletes and non-athletes in physical fitness of junior school students with Intellectual Disability. (3) find the differences by ages in physical fitness of junior school students with Intellectual Disability. (4) find the relationships and prediction on physical characteristics and sport performance of junior school students with Intellectual Disability. Method: There were 64 mental retarded students from junior high school were measured their physical development, physical fitness and physical performance abilities. The results were as follows: 1. There were significant difference between male and female students on respiratory, standing jump and 50m.run. 2. There were significant difference between athletes and non-athletes students on one leg standing performance and 50m.run. 3. There were significant difference among age on height, weigh, BMI, heartbeat, respiratory, sit-ups, one leg standing performance. 4. There were significant correlations among height, weigh, BMI, respiratory, sitting flexibility performance. Height, weigh, BMI, respiratory can predict sitting flexibility above 26%. There were significant correlation among standing jump, sit-ups, one leg standing performance. Standing jump, sit-ups can predict one leg standing performance above 33%.
