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Reflections on History and Ethics in the Xu jin ping mei




丁耀亢 續金瓶梅 演義 續書 寓言

Parallel abstracts

This article argues that through the separation of Wu Yueniang 吳月娘 and her son Xiaoge 孝哥, Ding Yaokang 丁耀亢, the author of the Xu jin ping mei 續金瓶梅, offers readers a way of looking at family continuation from a historical perspective. Set during the war between the Song 宋 and Jin 金, Ding creates an allegory of family and nation in an effort to emphasize the search for correct governance. Based on the historical characteristics of the book, I advance two important arguments. First, I assert that Ding Yaokang expresses his idea of uniting the family and saving the nation through the separation and reunion of Wu Yueniang and Xiaoge. Second, I argue that Ding attempts to focus the readers' attention on ethical concerns via their reunification. With these two arguments, I hope to explain Ding's motivations for writing the Xu jin ping mei.


[漢]何休解詁,[唐]徐彥疏,《春秋公羊傳注疏》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2014 年。
[唐]李隆基注,[宋]邢昺疏,《孝經注疏》,收入[清]阮元審定,盧宣旬校,《重刊宋本十三經注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1960 年影印清代嘉慶二十年(1815)重刊宋本孝經注疏附校勘記,冊 13。
[明]蘭陵笑笑生,《金瓶梅詞話》,臺北:里仁書局,2012 年影印株式會社大安本。
[清]丁耀亢撰,李增坡主編,張清吉點校,《丁耀亢全集》,鄭州:中州古籍出版社,1999 年。
[清]紫陽道人,《續金瓶梅》,收入陳慶浩、王秋桂主編,《思無邪滙寶》,臺北:臺灣大英百科,1995 年,冊 31-33。
