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A Study on Current Deliverables of BIM Projects in Taiwan


自部份公部門標案在2011年底規定採用建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術以來,台灣地區營建業已累積不少BIM專案經驗。然而,在嘗試從目前的BIM專案中提取共通的資訊成果,以做為知識管理的基礎時,確突顯欠缺一致性交付標準的問題;也就是說,現行的BIM專案所建製的資訊,有不少被限縮成個案資訊,不容易流通到其它BIM專案中使用,相當可惜。為改善這些缺陷,本研究首先探討國外先進國家的BIM專案交付標準,再以焦點團體訪談的方式整理分析國內BIM專案的交付成果,進行比對分析後,針對促進有效應用BIM資訊提出結論與建議。研究的結果顯示:在技術面上,台灣地區營建資訊標準不夠完善,也尚未有一致的BIM導則,而使BIM專案的共通數據環境(Common Data Environment, CDE)不足;在管理制度上,我國建築法及採購法的部份規定,錯綜複雜地影響資訊透明化及整合意願。為了達到以BIM工具及流程有效率地提昇營建業生產力的目的,建議先在制度面上檢討克服阻礙各專業整合的法規,再從技術面上建立適用的營建資訊標準,儘速推出全國性的BIM導則,並以創新的BIM專案來獲取資訊整合的經驗,進而達到推動BIM的理想。


Since several public sectors have adopted Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the end of 2011, it seems that BIM has been implemented pretty well in the construction industry of Taiwan. However, it is found to be difficult to extract common data for knowledge management from available BIM projects due to high variety of project deliverables. This particular study aims at collecting specified deliverables of BIM projects in different countries and analyzing the deliverables of BIM projects in Taiwan through focus group interviews. The results have shown that there are no localized guidelines for BIM projects and consequently against creating a common data environment (CDE) for BIM in Taiwan. Some provisions of Building and Government Procurement Acts intricately affect the willingness of project participants to integrate and share their BIM model information. It is recommended to first modify the regulations and laws that affects the project model information transparency and participants' willingness of integration. The national guidelines are urged to be developed to support creative BIM projects for cumulating the experiences of integration and sharing of common data so as to increase the effectiveness of Taiwan's construction industry.


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孔承儒(2016)。BIM 指南之比較與BIM 執行計畫書 之初步探討〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0030-0803201714343090
