  • 期刊


Evaluation on the Quick Screening Methods, Recommended and Official Methods, in Sulfur Dioxide analysis of Dried Daylily


食品中二氧化硫之檢驗方法種類繁多,但相對於公告檢驗方法之間的差異研究甚少。為能快速檢驗金針乾製品中二氧化硫殘留量,許多快篩方法因應而生,因此本研究將探討高山及平地之金針中二氧化硫殘留量,同時比較建議檢驗方法「食品中二氧化硫之檢驗方法(氣相層析質譜法)」與兩種快篩方法分別為「Merck亞硫酸鹽測試組(Sulfite Test)」及「模組式通氣蒸餾晶片法」與公告檢驗方法於檢驗結果之差異。結果發現,除「Merck亞硫酸鹽測試組」檢驗方法在高山金針中二氧化硫檢驗結果與公告檢驗方法之相關係數(r值)為0.2133,無明顯相關外,其餘檢驗方法間均具有顯著相關性,相關係數介於0.8469-0.9812之間。另比較上述兩種快篩法對於平地與高山金針檢驗結果之差異,其相關係數分別為0.9269與0.5354。


金針 二氧化硫 快篩方法


There are many methods for testing sulfur dioxide in food, nonetheless, not many studies have been done on the comparison with published test methods. Many screening methods have been produced in order to quickly test sulfur dioxide residues in dehydrated daylily products. The purpose of this study was to examine residual amount of sulfur dioxide in daylily from different origin, comparing and contrasting them with the recommended and published test methods; which were the "method of test for sulfur dioxide in foods (GC/MS method)" and two quick screening methods, namely; "Merck sulfite test" and "modular aeration distillation system". The correlation coefficient (r value) of the test results of the Merck sulfite test method in the high mountain daylily and the published test method, indicated low correlation. The other test methods were all significantly correlated, and the correlation coefficients were between 0.8469 - 0.9812. In addition, the correlation coefficients of the comparison of the difference between the above two quick screening methods for plain ground and high mountain daylily test results were 0.9269 and 0.5354, respectively. Although the quick screening inspection method has its limitations, it can still be used as a reference for independent management of processing sites and on-site inspection of law enforcement officials.
