  • 期刊


Mapping Global Physical Activity from Cultural and Gender Perspectives


目前身體活動逐漸成為全球性的議題,但對於女性身體活動上的影響因素仍較少將社會文化與性別議題納入。目的:本研究以剖析近10年相關社會文化與性別差異對於身體活動的文獻探討,希冀有助於了解文化與性別差異與身體活動參與間的關係。方法:透過質性內容分析法(content analysis)回顧搜尋近10年以性別差異(gender difference)、身體活動(physical activity)以及社會文化 (social culture)為關鍵字的學術論文。結果:性別差異透過該社會文化影響再次建構或強調性別分工的適合角色演練,甚至逐漸地成為所謂的「傳統」文化的承襲。結論:學齡前孩童與原生家庭之間的身體活動連結,以及屆齡退休階段的銀髮族群如何透過身體活動參與成功老化等更是未來值得探討的面向。


In the past decade, physical activity has become an emerging issue and been widely discussed in a global context, especially in its relation to policy reforms that aim to improve one's body and health condition. Many researchers found that gender difference and socio-culture were the key factors that affected our daily life. Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand the various impacts of socio-culture and gender difference on th concept of physical activity in the global context. Method: A qualitative content analysis research was adopted in the study. Data was collected from recent 10 years of physical activity related research studies in the academic database engine-EBSCOhost. A total of 16 related research articles were found and analyzed. Result: Three major findings emerged in the study based on age, diverse cultural backgrounds and gender difference. Conclusion: As representation of the socio-cultural structure, gender difference played a significant role in daily life and had a great impact on physical activity practice; consequently, the promotion of physical activity became a gendered one that registered a major cultural event.


