  • 期刊


Potential Landslide and Debris Flow Hazard Prediction in the Lanyang River Basin




This study investigates a robust procedure for event-based landslide susceptibility analysis through a case study in the Lanyang River drainage basin, northern Taiwan. It includes: how to select a landslide inventory for analysis? How to select landslide causative factors? How to build a susceptibility model? How to validate the model? How to transfer the susceptibility value to landslide probability? And how to use the model for predicting sediments yield? The landslide susceptibility model built in this way may be used in a storm scenario by given an hourly rainfall distribution and total rainfall distribution in the study region and predict shallow landslides as well as debris-flow streams in the region. These models are feasible for use in landslide, debris flow, and sediment yields in a drainage basin.


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