  • 期刊


The Integrated Framework of Different Video Streaming Devices and the Video Surveillance Service Platform


千里眼服務為中華電信提供之整合型影像監控服務平台,其整合多樣的工作伺服器,包含NC Server(網路監控錄影主機)、Relay Server(廣播伺服器)、Event Server(事件伺服器)以及Web Server(網頁伺服器)等;透過其架構,可從不同類型的影像輸入來源進行影像接收,包含網路攝影機、影像編碼器、影像電話機等;並可轉發至不同使用端設備,包含個人電腦、網路協定電視、3G行動電話、影像電話機以及智慧型手持設備等。本系統架構於網際網路、行動網路以及新世代網路之上,並可支援包含TCP/IP、SIP、HTTP、RTSP等多種通訊協定。本文亦逐一介紹千里眼服務在不同操作設備上之使用者介面。


Ucam, the digital video surveillance system of Chungwha Telecom, is composed of several servers, such as NC (Network Collector) server, relay server, event server and web server, etc. Based on the framework, it can receive the video streaming from different resources such as network cameras, video encoders and video phones, and can broadcast easily to various user clients such as personal computers, IPTVs (Internet Protocol Televisions), 3G Mobile phones, video phones and smart mobile devices. This system is constructed on the internet, UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) and NGN (Next Generation Network), and supports many kinds of protocols, including TCP/IP, SIP, HTTP, and RTSP etc. It's an integrated system which is stable, operational and easy-to-use.


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