  • 期刊

應用Ad-DR bioassay調查土壤及魚體中戴奧辛毒性當量濃度及其健康風險評估

Use Ad-DR Bioassay to Determine Dioxin Toxic Equivalents and Health Risk Assessment from Soil and Fish


戴奧辛相關污染議題受到社會大眾所關注,當污染事件發生時,若僅依靠傳統化學分析戴奧辛方法(High resolution gas chromatography/ high resolution mass spectrometer, HRGC/HRMS),其時效性與應用性皆不足以負荷大量樣本之分析。故國際學者提出『先篩後檢』之概念,利用生物分析方法進行污染樣本篩檢,搭配化學分析方法精確定量,將可節省大量時間與金錢成本。台灣自民國九十九年已公告生物冷光報導基因法為戴奧辛檢測方法,並已自主開發出符合法規的戴奧辛技術(Ad-DR bioassay)。本研究將利用Ad-DR bioassay檢測15件次之台灣土壤樣本作為背景檢測及15件次之魚體樣本,並進行每日攝入量與致癌風險評估。本次研究結果土壤樣本之戴奧辛毒性當量平均為59.12 ng ADL-BEQ /kg d.w.,而魚體戴奧辛毒性當量平均為3.280 ng ADL-BEQ /kg d.w.,土壤樣本濃度高於魚體樣本約18倍。而台灣人因魚類食入之戴奧辛每日攝入量,成人(19-64歲)平均為0.128 pg BEQ/ kg d.w./day,其值遠低於WHO所公佈之允許值1~4 pg I-TEQ/ kg / day,而計算致癌風險為1.28 ×10^(-5) 則略高於美國環保署之建議值之10^(-6)。本研究結果顯示,利用Ad-DR bioassay分析土壤與魚體樣本中戴奧辛濃度具可行性,然而此數據進行樣本中的總戴奧辛健康風險評估將可能導致高估之現象,若需利用Ad-DR bioassay進行人體健康風險評估,仍須一校正參數,方能使結果更具參考價值。


戴奧辛 每日攝入量 魚體 土壤


Dioxin pollution have been a great concern and a rapid and cost-effective screening method in Taiwan is relatively urgent. Since 2010, Ad-DR bioassay have been used as a standard method for environmental dioxin analysis. This study investigated dioxin contamination in Taiwanese environmental samples such as fish and soil by the utilizing the Ad-DR bioassay. The TEQ of soil and fish samples are 59.12 ng ADL-BEQ /kg d.w. and 3.280 ng ADL-BEQ /kg d.w. respectively. Sample of soil TEQ was higher than the fish sample TEQ. However, the recorded daily intake of fish as an important diet to people of Taiwan has an average of ADI (adult 19-64 ages), 0.128 pg BEQ/ kg d.w./day which is significantly lower than ADI of dioxin ingestion published by WHO (1~4 pg I-TEQ/ kg / day). The cancer risk was evaluated as 1.28 ×10^(-5) in this study and it was slightly higher than the suggested value of US EPA (10^(-6)).This study shows the feasibility of Ad-DR bioassay for dioxin detection on soil and fish samples. However, the use of this bioassay in the evaluation of health risks posed by dioxin contamination may result to overestimation of values, thus, this study focuses on the revision of correction parameters needed to improve this bioassay method.


Ad-DR bioassay Dioxin daily intake fish soil


環保署/國科會空污防制科研合作計畫,戴奧辛排放調查及管制策略研擬計畫,計畫編號: NSC9NSC9NSC99-EPAEPAEPA-M-00 5-00 2-,2010。
E. L. Gregoraszczuk, “Dioxin exposure and porcine reproductive hormonal activity,”Cad Saude Publica, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 453-62,Mar-Apr. 2002.
H. C. Chiang, H. R. Chao, L. A. Li, F. T. Tsai, and T. C. Tsou, “Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Environmental.” Technology & Innovation Manuscript Draft.Manuscript Number: ETI-D-14-00068R1. 2015.


