  • 期刊

Youth Well-Being: an Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities


The issue of youth well-being has garnered increasing attention from both the research and programmatic domain. Young people experience numerous social, cultural, and economic challenges that severely impact their health and well-being. This paper examines the challenges and opportunities that young people experience within the domain of wellbeing. Well-being can be thought of as the overall positive outcome, which is meaningful to the person and serves as an indicator used by society to examine one's perspective that their life is going well. Studies regarding issues affecting youth has largely emphasized the connection between health and well-being within the context of studying the quality of life or welfare of young people. As such, it is important to examine the well-being of youth as a factor, which should be a priority in the lives of young people now and a consideration for the future. Understanding youth well-being is of utmost priority in promoting social, cultural, economic, and public health endeavours aimed at improving the lives of youth. Some of the challenges youth experiences include unemployment, poor quality of education, bullying, sexually transmitted disease, physical inactivity, unsafe home environments, and poor access to leisure and cultural opportunities, just to name a few. These challenges may significantly impact the health and well-being for this segment of society. Despite these challenges, young people represent a positive opportunity for society as they are optimistic about their future. As such, there is a need for a shift in youth research toward viewing young people not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity.


Youth Well-being Health Leisure Social Cultural Economic
