  • 期刊


The Images of Guanyin with Willow Branch in Huazans of Ch'an Monks of Song Dynasty




宋代 禪僧 觀音畫贊 楊柳觀音


Bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) is believed to be able to transform into different forms to suit whichever situation a particular form required in the efforts to save lives. The image of Guanyin holding a vase and willow branch is the most popular form seen on modern paintings of Guanyin. It shows the popular association between willow and Guanyin. Ch'an monks of Song Dynasty frequently wrote poems on paintings (huazan), that associated with will branch, vase and clear water are thirteen poems in total. Among these thirteen huazans, nine are about will branch, six are about vase, and eleven are about clear water. This essay aims at analyzing the images of Guanyin with willow in huazans by Ch'an monks of Song Dynasty. It will study the function of willow in Buddhist Guanyin cults of Song Dynasty and attempts to reconstruct to the image of Guanyin in the minds of Ch'an monks. Then it will discuss Song paintings of Guanyin with willow that survive till this day in order to further understand the image of Guanyin with willow as well as getting a general picture of the cults of Guanyin with willow in Song Dynasty.
