  • 期刊


A Study on Social Care in Thailand Theravada Buddhism




Theravada Buddhism is the national Buddhism of Thailand, which is well integrated with Thai people's ideology and culture, as well as their social customs and habits. From birth to death, most of Thai people's life is closely associated with Buddhism. This article first explores the fields of social care that Theravada Buddhism locates in. Furthermore, this article also investigates whether there are more areas worthy of being cultivated in the future. The discussion unfolds from two aspects: (1) Understanding the background of Buddhism in Thailand through its development history ; (2) Firstly, introducing the background of social care in Theravada Buddhism in Thailand: the Buddhism in Thailand lays ever more stress on social care recently because of the maintenance and promotion of Thai dynasties. Secondly, discussing the methods of practicing and applying social care activities, such as holding educational events, explaining and publicizing Buddhism through etiquette, culture, welfare, etc. Lastly, stating and illustrating the development and prospect of social care in Theravada Buddhism in future. Buddhism in Thailand can benefit from the experiences of Buddhism activities in Taiwan, to broaden the vision and expand self care to all-round care in the fields of human being, environment, nature and ecology on the basis of existing conditions.
