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To Explore the Key Determinants of Competitive Advantages of Taiwan Live Streaming Platform


實況直播作為一個新興的網路產業,能讓使用者將自我相關的影音資料以現場直播的方式呈現給觀眾,也能與觀眾做第一時間的交流互動、想法分享。現今網路愈來愈發達,近兩年實況直播已愈發盛行,其重要性的程度對直播者與觀看者已是不容小覷的。而實況直播平台的選擇對直播者是一項必須考量的因素。根據平台裡內容與機能的不同,直播者與觀看者的互動方式等等也會有不一樣的樣貌。而直播者和觀看者也會因為需求不同而去選擇不同的直播平台。本研究運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy process, AHP)探索臺灣實況直播平台建構競爭優勢之關鍵決策因子。研究發現,「網路平台特質」是最具關鍵性的決策構面,其次依序為「心理福祉」及「自我概念一致」,此二決策構面權重相當,且與居首的「網路平台特質」差距不大,顯示實況直播平台欲建構競爭優勢除了必須塑造平台特質之外,亦需兼顧觀看者的心理福祉與自我概念的投射。而網路平台特質中最關鍵的決策因子是「效益性」,此因子在單一構面內的權重(local weight),與在整體總評估的權重(global weight),排序都是第一,此研究發現顯示,臺灣實況直播平台要有競爭優勢,必須兼顧有形及無形的效益。


Live streaming is a booming Internet industry, which provides on-line platforms for live streaming users to broadcast live video to other users, with instant interaction between broadcasters and viewers. With the development of cloud computing, live streaming has been growing rapidly in the recent two years, and has become very important to internet industry. For live streaming users, choosing the best live streaming platform is a crucial consideration to take. Both broadcasters and viewers will aim to different live streaming platforms, according to their demands. This research explores the key determinants of competitive advantages of Taiwan live streaming platform using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Research findings show that, among the five dimensions of Dynamic Timmons Model, "Characteristic of Network Platform" is the most crucial decision dimension, which takes the highest weighting, while "Psychological Well-being" and "Self-Congruency" take similar weighting slightly lower than the former, showing that, to gain competitiveness advantage for Taiwan live streaming platform, psychological well-being and self-congruency of the users are as well important. The most important decision factor of "Characteristic of Network Platform" is "benefit", which takes the highest weighting in both local weight and in global weight. These results show that, both tangible and intangible benefits are crucial for competitive advantages of Taiwan live streaming platform.


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