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The Impact of Packaging and Perceived Value on Green Purchase Intentions for Gift Box




Packaging is not only the marketing tool for the first sight of customer but also is an important factor. Perceived value results from an evaluation of the relative rewards and sacrifices associated with the offering. Packaging is mainly divided into commercial packaging and industrial packaging. This study takes the boxed gift in commercial packaging as an example. This research utilized an experimentation methodology to design over-package(A) and package(B) questionnaire. Allow respondents to fill in the stimulator A and stimulator B questionnaire in the experimental guidance. To discuss packaging and perceived value influence to green purchase intention. In total, 337 copies of questionnaires were collected, and 315 valid questionnaires. The result found although respondents take cares of environmental protection issue, more cares of perceived value is an important factor in the purchase decision of the consumer when product packaging and perceived value interact each other. Suggests enterprise when improve packaging. In addition to complying with government environmental regulations, perceived value of products should be strengthened.


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