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Skeletal Muscle during Exercise Is the Polypill Making Machine


大部分的人都知道規律運動對身體健康帶來極大的效益,但是能夠養成規律運動的人不多。本文希望能以「運動時骨骼肌是多效性藥丸製造機」之觀念影響國人,重新認識骨骼肌之功能,藉以養成規律運動習慣,長期維持身心健康。骨骼肌藉由肌肉收縮產生各式動作和維持身體姿勢外,另外也具有產生熱能和供給能量的功能。近來有日益增多的研究證據顯示:骨骼肌於運動時會分泌生物活性的蛋白質稱作肌肉激素(myokine),以自分泌(autocrine)、旁分泌(paracrine)和內分泌(endocrine)的方式調節肌肉本身和身體其它器官。運動時骨骼肌分泌白細胞介素15(interleukin-15)、肌肉生長抑制素(myostatin)、白細胞介素6(interleukin-6)、鳶尾素(Irisin)、抑瘤素M(oncostatin M)、富含半胱胺酸的酸性分泌蛋白(secreted proteinacidic and rich in cysteine)、睫狀神經營養因子 (ciliary neurotrophic factor)、組織蛋白酶B(cathepsin B)和血管內皮細胞生長因子 (vascular endothelial growth factor)等,以正向或負向方式調控身體健康。每運動一次,骨骼肌就會製造一顆多效性藥丸,有助於健康促進、疾病預防和治療,同時生產和服用該藥丸具有三低特點:低費用、低風險和低副作用,但藥效維持不久,需1-2 天服用一次,因此,養成規律運動習慣,對身心健康才能帶來最佳效益。


The beneficial effects of regular exercise for the promotion of health, prevention and treatment of disease have been clearly shown. In this review, I would like to advocate that exercise can be considered as medicine, and skeletal muscle is the polypill making machine. The functions of skeletal muscle are to produce movement through force, to maintain posture and to generate heat. Recent studies have also demonstrated that skeletal muscle is capable of secreting factors in order to communicate with muscle and non-muscle tissues by autocrine, paracrine and endocrine actions. The factors are produced and released by skeletal muscle during exercise have been termed "myokines". The effects of myokines are as follows: 1.Irisin reduces obesity and improve insulin resistance via the browning of white adipose tissues. 2.SPARC(secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) suppresses colon tumorigenesis. 3. OSM(Oncostatin M) inhibits mammary cancer cell growth. 4. IL-15 (interleukin-15) regulates skin metabolism and aging. 5.IL-6(interleukin-6) acts as an anti-inflammatory myokine and activate NK cell. 6.Cathepsin B improves memory function. 7.CNTF(ciliary neurotrophic factor) negatively regulates bone formation. 8.VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) improves aerobic capacity. 9.Myostatin negatively regulates muscle growth. Therefore we can think that skeletal muscle during exercise is the polypill making machine. The polypill has the features of low side effect, cost and risk, but its efficacy is short. In order to maintain the good health, we should make a habit of regular exercise.


Skeletal Muscle Polypill Myokine Regular Exercise


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