  • 期刊


Efficacy of Different Taping Methods for People with Chronic Ankle Instability


踝關節扭傷是常發生的運動傷害,扭傷後有20%可能發展成慢性踝關節不穩定,又可進一步分為機械性或功能性不穩定,在運動或日常的動作時,踝關節會有無力感(giving way) 且容易發生反覆扭傷的問題。目前有許多方法可幫助改善踝關節功能,除了傷後復健肌力、本體感覺的訓練,在訓練的過程中,透過外在貼紮的支撐,提供關節更多的穩定性,也是常見之方法。貼布的種類繁多,除了常見的運動貼布,在1994 年由日本學者加瀨建造所發明的肌內效貼布 (Kinesio Tape),也廣泛地在運動場上應用。肌內效貼布材質不同於白色運動貼,兩者各有其優缺點,過去許多文獻分別探討不同踝關節貼紮對於健康受試者及慢性踝關節不穩定者之影響,本文將回顧過去相關文獻,並針對慢性踝關節不穩定者選擇合適貼紮方法之參考,在臨床上慢性踝關節不穩定者或許可採用肌內效貼紮替代運動貼紮,作為預防傷害及復健期間的貼紮方式。


Ankle sprain is the most common injury in sports. After ankle sprain, 20% may develop into chronic ankle instability, which can further been divided into mechanical or functional instability. It is characterized by recurrent ankle sprains and a feeling of the ankle giving way during sports and daily activities. There are various ways to improve the ankle function. In addition to muscle strengthening and proprioception training after injury, external taping provide support in training and is also a common seen method. Besides the athletic taping, the kinesio taping which created by Dr. Kase in 1994 is also widely used in athletes. The adhesive material of kinesio tape is different from the athletic tape, both of which have their pros and cons. Many of the previous literatures examined the effects of different ankle taping in healthy and chronic ankle instability subjects. This article reviewed the relevant literature in the past and provide a reference for choosing an appropriate taping method for people with chronic ankle instability. Kinesio taping might be the first priority for injury prevention and during rehabilitation in people with chronic ankle instability.


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