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Lower-limb Power Training and Measurement of Rugby Players


英式橄欖球 (Rugby) 為一項具有充分身體碰撞的高強度運動,在比賽過程中選手需不斷的進行短衝刺、改變方向等等,因此速度、敏捷與爆發力對於橄欖球為不可或缺之要素。過去研究指出下肢爆發力與擒抱能力 (Tackle)、速度及改變方向能力有顯著相關性,因此透過科學化之訓練與監測選手下肢爆發力是有其必要性的。過去研究指出透過舉重、增強式、彈震式以及複合式訓練能夠達到動作轉移及提升爆發力之效果,而肌力檢測可透過最大肌力測試、垂直跳以及等長中段上拉測試,並進行運動學或地面反作用力之相關力學分析。本文獻回顧欲針對下肢爆發力之生理機制、訓練方法以及檢測方法進行探討,提供教練以及選手參考。


英式橄欖球 擒抱 速度


Rugby is a high-intensity contact sport, in which players have to perform short sprints and quickly change direction during match play, so speed, agility and power are very important attributes for rugby players. Several studies have found that speed and change of direction ability are related to the tackling skills of players. Power training-including weightlifting, plyometrics, ballistics, and complex training-can help significantly strengthen lower limb muscles. The strength and power of players' lower limbs can be measured through maximal strength tests, vertical jump tests, and isometric mid-thigh pull tests. This paper reviewed the physiological mechanisms, trained methods, and measurement methods for lower-limb muscle power, and it was intended as a reference for both rugby coaches and players.


Rugby Tackle Speed


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