  • 期刊


Using Free Open Source Cloud Mathematic Software-SAGE for Teaching Electromagnetics


本研究旨在依進修部學生的需求,改變教學方式,運用開源雲端數學運算工具SAGE 於電磁學教學中,使學生不受傳統電磁學教學要求計算繁複數學算式的限制,透過電腦數學工具輔助計算繁複數學方程式,並透過繪圖將計算結果視覺化,有助於更深層地了解物理現象,減輕學習壓力,提高自信心,學好電磁學的知識,熟練開源雲端數學軟體的操作,達成學習目標。研究者自編問卷了解學生的感受,得到學生對課程設計和教師教學的滿意度高,也對自己的學習成效感到滿意。問放性問題中得到學生對於SAGE 的肯定,認為運用SAGE 來學習電磁學是實用又有效的方式。課程設計著重於學生的認知和情意時,繁複的數學計算可用軟體來處理,這樣的方式適合進修部學生。因此,透過電腦輔助學習及動手做,突破以往傳統僅推導的學習方式,更能提高學生學習意願、增進學習自信及成效。


The purpose of this study is to teach students of continuing education Electromagnetics by a new approach -using free open source cloud mathematic software tool-SAGE (Software for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation) in order to fulfill their needs and assist them in learning confidently. With SAGE aid to calculate the complex mathematics equations and visualize the electromagnetic fields, students could focus on learning physical insights in Electromagnetics. Questionnaires developed by the researcher were administered to ask the students' opinions towards course design, the instructor, and their learning effect. Results from the questionnaires and open questions indicated that SAGE is useful and effective enough to help them learn electromagnetics in a better way. Results from open questions showed that the emphasis of the course design is on their cognitive and affective objectives of learning so they as students of continuing education did not have to deal with the complexity of mathematic calculation. The computer aided learning and doing strategy is to exploit to use SAGE as the mathematic solving aid and illustrating to students the physical insights in practice. Thus, students could improve their learning intention, confidence and efficiency.


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