  • 期刊


Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Learning Motivation and Satisfaction of English Majors for Continuing education


本研究旨在探討進修部應用英語系學生的學習動機與學習滿意度之相關情形。以臺灣南部二所科技大學進修部應用英語系學生為研究對象,發出200份問卷,回收200份,有效樣本計147人,有效問卷回收率為73.5%。研究工具為研究者參考相關文獻後,改編而成的一份新問卷「進修英語專班學生學習動機及學習滿意度調查問卷」。問卷內容分為三部分,第一部分填答者基本資料,第二部分是學習動機量表,含六個大層面,共24題,第三部分是學習滿意度量表,有三個分量表共43題。經典型相關分析後,統計結果發現:1.學生學習機動和其學習滿意度呈正相關,一個典型相關係數達.001以上的顯著水準。2.學習動機量表之六個向度對學習滿意度三個向度的解釋變異量達75.2%。3. 多元逐步迴歸分析,發現學習動機和學習滿意度二者有顯著相關,且學生學習動機能有效預測學習滿意度。4.不同年齡、不同教育程度,在學習動機上達顯著差異。5.不同教育程度在學習滿意度上亦呈現顯著差異。教育最後依研究結果提出對行政、教學,及後續研究的建議。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between learning motivation and learning satisfaction of 200 English majors at School of Continuing Education from two universities of technology in the southern Taiwan. The instrument consisted of three sections: demographic information, a 24-item learning motivation scale, and a 43-item learning satisfaction scale. The researcher adopted questionnaires to conduct this research with 147 valid responses. Data obtained were examined with the canonical correlation analysis. Results from the canonical analysis suggested that the learning motivation positively correlates with learning satisfaction and came with one type of canonical correlation learning satisfaction. Result from multiple regression showed that learning motivation could be an effective predictor of learning satisfaction. Last, the discussion was conducted and recommendations for future studies were offered according to research findings.


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