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The Development of a School-Based Model of Self-Regulated Learning in Hong Kong Secondary School Classrooms


As an international city, Hong Kong has witnessed waves of education reforms since 2000. Despite the many initiatives conducted through government policies and school practices, many of these reforms fell short of public expectation to improve the quality of students' learning. This article reports how a Hong Kong secondary school developed a school-based model of self-regulated learning (SRL) by integrating classroom practice with evidence-based theories and researches in the process of a pedagogical improvement program. Elements of good practices in SRL lesson organization are adapted from the frontline experience of Shandong schools in Mainland China, and then a holistic framework of self-regulation mechanism constructed based on international SRL theories and researches, and finally, an implementation system is developed to put into practice the lesson organization and self-regulation mechanism. Looking back on the development of SRL, this article concludes by highlighting its contribution to bridging the western paradigm of SRL and the Chinese model of SRL, and its implication for future exploration on SRL classroom practice for pedagogical improvement.


