從應屆奧運成績來看,在奧運獎牌榜前五名,幾乎都是由美國、前蘇聯(含現今的俄羅斯)、德國等國家包辦。為何這些西方國家能有如此卓越的競技運動表現?其背後是否蘊藏有促使競技運動成功的秘密呢?目前國際上探索「成功」競技運動關鍵因子的團隊中,較有系統、且經常被學術界引用與討論,主要有Oakley與Green(2001)、Digel(2002)、Green與Houlihan(2005)以及De Bosscher,Bingharn,Shibli,van Bottenburg與De Knop(2006)等學者。本研究將論及前述四組西方競技運動成功關鍵因子的內涵,並比較分析此四組競技運動成功關鍵因子的特點。最後,針對是否有可能提出以東亞為主體,發展屬於東亞文化的競技運動關鍵因子來做討論。
Reviewing the history of the Modern Olympics, Russia, Germany and the USA have been enrolled within the top five places of the Olympic medal rankings. Nevertheless, the key to the sporting success of these western countries remain s a mystery. Accordingly, we came up with two questions, regarding why those Western countries were able to achieve such distinguished performances and if there were any essentials of potential development in elite sports. Up to now, the more referred and systematized categories of key success factors in elite sports are that from Oakley and Green (2001), Digel (2002), Green and Houlihan (2005), and De Bosscher, Bingham, Shibli, van Bottenburg, and De Knop (2006). We then focus our attention on three issues: examining the essential of the four sporting success key-factor categories from the above groups of researchers, analyzing and comparing the differing indicators of the four categories, and finally, bringing into discussion whether Eastern Asia can also develop its own system of key factors to sporting success.