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Effect of Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation on Exercise-Induce Muscle Damage


骨骼肌能否稱職的表現,影響著比賽成績的優劣。非習慣性的動作與離心性的肌肉收縮被認為是造成延遲性肌肉痠痛與造成肌肉損傷的主要原因之一,此外,因長時間運動致使能量供應不足,造成肌肉收縮能力與肌力下降則被認為是影響肌肉表現新陳代謝因素。支鏈胺基酸為人體必需胺基酸,主要代謝於骨骼肌,而支鏈胺基酸透過磷酸化mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR),進而磷酸化下游4EB-P1蛋白和P70^(S6k)激酶的方式,促進肌肉蛋白質合成,並減少肌肉蛋白質分解。自文獻回顧中顯示,補充支鏈胺基酸對於耐力及阻力運動都具有降低肌酸激酶與乳酸脫氫酶等肌肉損傷指標的助益,除了顯著降低延遲性肌肉酸痛的程度外,亦顯著縮短了肌肉恢復的天數,因此運動前後適當補充支鏈胺基酸,可能可以減少運動引起的肌肉損傷,並能縮短延遲性肌肉酸痛影響的程度和時間,而有關支鏈胺基酸的增補策略,目前則仍未有明確的共識,仍有待更進一步的確認。


The appropriate performance of skeletal muscles is crucial for the competition outcomes. One of the major factors for delayed-onset muscle soreness and muscle damage is the unaccustomed movement and eccentric muscle contractions. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are the essential amino acids that metabolized primarily in skeletal muscle. The supplementation of BCAA could promote muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle protein degradation, through phosphorylation 4EB-P1 protein and P70s6k kinase, the downstream signaling pathway of mammalian target of rapamycin. In recent studies, BCAA supplementation could significantly decrease creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities, markers for muscle damage, after endurance or resistance exercise. Moreover, BCAA supplementation could reduce the delayed-onset muscle soreness and shorten the post-exercise recovery time. Therefore, BCAA supplementation before exercise may reduce muscle damage and alleviate delayed-onset of muscle soreness. However, the optimal dosage and timing of BCAA supplementation remained to be established.
