  • 期刊


Progressive Living Environment Design for the Elderly


一般住宅規畫居家設計時並未考量未來老化之生活需求,在地老化因而滯礙難行。本整合型計畫本著「預防」之核心理念,擬結合老人福祉、體感技術及人因工程等研究領域,依高齡化四個階段(「近老(older, 55-64 years)」、「中老(elderly, 65-74 years)」、「老老(aged, 75-84 years)」及「耆老(very old, over 85)」)發展高齡者品味居家生活,成功開創在地老化環境。本研究子計畫一將探討如何在不改變現有室內建築情況下,讓高齡者有品味地在自己家中居住生活;相較於無微不至的貼身照護,高齡者更期望獨立,擁有活動自如的能力,因而在子計畫二中,將以體感技術輔助高齡者居家運動以減緩老化衰弱的感覺。考量在老化的過程中,除了追求沒有疾病的狀態外,必須同時保持活躍積極的心境,還要與人群、社會及環境維持良好而和諧的關係,子計畫三便以社會心理學之社會(social)、心理(psychological)、生理(physiological)等面向探討高齡者所需之居家生活智慧系統,以回饋至子計畫一、二。研究成果將以子計畫三之智慧互動系統作為各子計畫之電腦模擬模型與準則平台,以具體提供總計畫一高齡者未來居家設計雛型。本研究計畫期許能以「永續家居、智慧體感、樂齡老化」之概念,設計、體驗、評估,進而探討高齡者品味居家生活。在子計畫一方面,正視高齡化社會的到來,居家設計的考量必須將現有居住高齡者之生活習慣及生活環境加以考慮。人最終總會面臨身心老化的狀態,然這老化總在時間流逝中不自覺,原本居住的環境也漸漸衍生出不便與危險,如何從現有居住環境居安思危,以減低高齡者老化的感覺,不覺得居住不便,在不改變建築物結構的情況下,對於室內居家空間進行裝修輔助,以符合居住需求,讓高齡者能安心的在家度過晚年生活,並期能頤養天年是本研究所要探討的。本研究之目的在於探討高齡者對於「演進式在地老化」住宅性能需求之觀點與認知傾向,依高齡化四個階段以提供未來「在地老化」住宅性能規範之參考資料,協助高齡者活得有品味與快樂,老有其所。因此,本研究期望以「人因工程」及「魅力品質」之「品味」概念,分別探討實現個人衛生與健康的浴室,提供溫飽居家機能的廚房,及最需要私密和安寧的臥室,於研究成果希望能具體提供「品味」居家空間設計準則,同時亦建構電腦示範模擬系統以供實務面之高齡品味居家設計參考準則。


To realize the ideal of "ageing in place," one has to remodel the current house to fit the needs for the ageing process of the elderly. Based on the "prevention" concept and the four phases of ageing: old, elderly, aged, and very old, this integrates human factors, green sustainability, somatosensory gaming, and gerontechnology to develop a graceful living environment as a foundation of the "ageing in place." Subproject 1 will study how to modify current house, without changing the structure, to have a graceful living space. Subproject 2 will design appropriate games to fit different stages of ageing in order to reduce the sense of deterioration with age. Subproject 3 will develop an intelligent living environment from social, psychological and physiological perspectives. The subprojects will be integrated and will be demonstrated through a computer animation model. The results of the project will provide a graceful living environment with the ingredients of sustainable living, intelligent somatosensory, delightful ageing. In subproject 1, in order to face the ageing society, the living environment must be designed to fulfill and accommodate the changing status of an old person. The basic idea of this proposed research is how to modify the house where an old person is current living to minimize the inconvenience and achieve the gracefulness of the residence, and to realize the "ageing in place" concept. The research methods used in this research are human factors principles, charming quality criteria, and general design principles. The research will study the modification of a "bathroom" to be hygienic and healthy, the "kitchen" to provide comfortable functions, and the "bedroom" to provide a peaceful and private resting space. Other three subprojects will provide inputs to the design guidelines, and the results will be presented as a computer animation model.
