  • 期刊


Marine Cartoon Viewing Factors Affect Marine Interests and Ocean Literacy among Elementary School Students


本研究旨在探討海洋卡通對國小高年級學童海洋興趣與海洋知識之影響,研究者以基隆市叢集隨機取樣,有效樣本為906 人,採用問卷調查法,資料以描述性統計與結構方程式進行分析。研究獲致結果如下:一、海洋素養方面,問卷平均答對率為58%。二、於「海洋興趣」方面:以「海洋休閒」構面最高,其次為「海洋科學」構面,而「海洋社會與文化」構面為最低,其中各構面數值均高於3。三、經由結構方程模式驗證,國小學童「海洋科學興趣」與「海洋文化與社會興趣」正向影響「海洋素養」,惟「海洋休閒興趣」負向影響海洋素養。綜上結果,研究者歸納結論提供海洋教育者教學建議及後續研究者進行相關研究之參考。


This study aimed to investigate the influence of marine cartoons on higher-grade elementary school students regarding ocean literacy and interest in learning about the ocean. The study used random cluster sampling from seven administrative regions in Keelung City, an effective sample of 906 individuals. Using questionnaires as the research instruments, the data were subject to SEM and other methods. Research results are shown in the following: 1. regarding marine knowledge. The questionnaire for schoolchildren, the average correct answer rate was 58%. 2. Regarding interest shown in marine education 1. In a matrix assessing schoolchildren's marine interest, the marine leisure dimension was highest, followed by the marine science dimension. Marine Society constituted the lowest dimension. However, the overall average dimension witnessed a mean result of 3 or higher. 3. The Structural equation model between ocean literacy and interest was shown in marine education. Elementary school children demonstrated a significantly positive correlation between marine science literacy on the one hand and interest shown in marine education on the other. Marine science interests and oceanic social culture demonstrated positive correlation marine science literacy. Marine leisure interests demonstrated negative correlation ocean literacy. Based on the above results, the researchers draw conclusions and provide teaching suggestions for the reference of marine educators, as well as research recommendations for future researchers.


兒童福利聯盟文教基金會(2013)。2013 年兒童收視熱門時段之電視內容分析。上網日期2016 年3 月4 日, 取自http://www.children.org.tw/news/advocacy_detail/987
