  • 期刊


The General Situation of Table Tennis Development in Kaohsiung County



高雄縣在桌球發展上雖早,且成效不錯,唯相關之文獻記載卻極為有限,誠屬可惜。希望藉由此點之研究,了解高雄縣桌球運動之發展槪況,此為最大動機。本研究採歷史研究法,主要目的在探討高雄縣桌球發展之槪況,以豐富高雄縣之體育運動發展史,研究發現: 一、高雄縣之桌球運動發展甚早,早在民國4、50年代,在省運會中即有不錯的表現,民國57年,林園國小以黑馬之姿,在國語日報舉辦的第一屆國語杯桌球賽不計分友誼賽中,擊敗台北市精英隊,開啟了國小培訓桌球的大門。 二、民國60年代,縣立鳳山中學李啟豐老師帶領其學生許秩碩等替高雄縣在全省各大小比賽中立下漢馬功勞,開啟社會桌球運動的大門。 三、民國80年代,余政憲縣長執政高雄縣以後,當時高雄縣桌委會總幹事黃鐘龍,出錢出力推展高雄縣之桌球運動,在選手之選材、培訓、升學、就業等,皆有完整之制度及管道,使高雄縣桌球運動實力及風氣,達到空前之盛況。 四、高雄縣桌球訓練場地,早期以學校、公家機關或民間桌球店為主,民國8、90年代以後則以鳳山及五甲桌球訓練中心為主,後者為桌球專用體育館。 五、高雄縣桌球發展甚早,在民國90年代達到尖峰,唯相關之論述及文獻卻相當缺乏,希望本研究能起帶頭之作用,引發後續研究者投入相關研究,豐富高雄縣之體育運動史。


高雄縣 桌球運動 發展概況


Although table tennis developed early in Kaohsiung County and showed good outcome, it was a pity that the related records and documents are extremely limited. That is the main reason why we expect to comprehend the general situation of table tennis development in Kaohsiung County by this research. This research picks the historical methodology. The main purpose of this research is to discuss the general situation of table tennis development in Kaohsiung county so as to enrich the history of sports development in Kaohsiung county. The research finds: 1. Table tennis developed early in Kaohsiung county. In the year 40(superscript th) to 50(superscript th) of the of the Republic Era, people from Kaohsiung County had already performed very well in Athletic Meet of Taiwan . In the year 57th Republic Era, Lin-Yuan elementary school defeated the elite of Taipei team in the friendly match of the first Mandarin cup held by Mandarin Daily News, and then opened the door for table tennis training in elementary school. 2. In the year 60(superscript th) of the Republic Era, teacher Li, Gi-Feng in Feng-Shan senior high school led his students, Xu, Zhi-Shuo ect. , to win many distinctions for Kaohsiung county at a lot of matches in Taiwan and then opened the door for social table tennis. 3. In the year 80(superscript th) of the Republic Era, after the head of Kaohsiung County, Yu, Zheng-Xian, was in power, the secretary-general of table tennis committee, Huang, Zhong-Long, at that time in Kaohsiung County made great efforts to promote table tennis. There were complete system and channel about player's material selection, training, further study, as well as employment and so on, making the strength and fashion of table tennis in Kaohsiung County reach unprecedented peak. 4. The table tennis training places early days in Kaohsiung county were mainly in schools, public organizations, and private table tennis courts. After 80(superscript th)、90(superscript th) of the Republic Era, the training places were then mainly in the Feng-Shanas well as Wu-Jia table tennis training centers and the latter was a gymnasium reserved for the use of table tennis. 5. The development of table tennis in Kaohsiung County started early and reached its summit in the year 90(superscript th) of the Republic Era. Due to limited documents or articles about it, we hope this research can motivate other following researchers to strive for further studies, enriching the sports history of Kaohsiung County.
