



The objective of this study was to develop green-tea flavor sweet potato product. Results indicated that the total phenol content was decreased with the increasing sugar content of microwave sweet potato after soaking in different °Brix green tea. The content of total phenol, DPPH radical-scavenging ability and FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma) capability were found increasing with the soaking time except flavonoids content. Besides, microwave sweet potato soaked in no sugar green tea for three hr to exhibit the highest antioxidant activity but its overall acceptance was lower because of its heavy astringent taste. The microwave sweet potato soaked in no sugar green tea had the heavy tea aroma and tea taste but also showed the astringent. The microwave sweet potato soaked in 30 °Brix green tea obtained the most accepted by the panelists. The total bacterial count, yeast and mold of green-tea flavor sweet potato is still consistent with Chinese Agricultural Standards (CAS) validation benchmarks after storing at 4℃ for 21 days.


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