  • 會議論文


Solar Vacuum Desalination Method Profile


地球上水的循環就是一個大規模的海水淡化與再混和程式:蒸發與冷凝將海水淡化而造成了陸地上的河川湖泊,溶解了其流域中的可容成分後,又匯入大海。如此經億萬年之循環,使海洋中累積了大量無機鹽類,成為一個資源庫。人類是陸地上的動物,適合生存在有湖泊河川的淡水環境中。人口的增加和生活水準的提升是淡水的需求量提高,試圖以人工的方法擴大此一淡化與再混合的循環應是人類在地球上生存與發展的過程中的一個必然的階段。淡水是日常生活和各種工業程式中的必需品,因量大而廉價,故從海洋中獲取淡水的方法,其是否可行,成本低廉是首要的條件。海水淡化的方法大別可分為涉及水的相變化和不涉及水的相變化兩大類。在涉及水的相變化的方法中又可分為利用水的蒸發/冷凝的程式而與其他成分分開的冷凍法。在不涉及水的相變化的方法中有利用模(membrane)的逆滲透(reverse osmosis)和電透析(electro dialysis)等方法和利用離子交換樹脂(ionexchange resin)的離子交換法等。現僅就其中較重要的幾種作簡要說明(Spiegler,1966)。




Cycle of the Earth's water is a large-scale program desalination and re-mixed operation. Evaporation and condensation desalination caused by a land of rivers and lakes, dissolved in its basin can accommodate ingredients, but also into the sea. So cycle through million of millions years, accumulated a large number of inorganic salts in the ocean, as a resource library. Humans are land animals, suited to survive in lakes, rivers and freshwater environments. The increase in population and living standards to enhance demand for fresh water to improve, trying to artificial means to expand a dilute and re-mixed cycle should be an inevitable stage in the process of the survival and development of human beings on Earth. Fresh water is a necessity in daily life and various industrial utility due to large amount of cheap, to obtain fresh water from the ocean, its feasibility , low cost is the first prerequisite. The method of water desalination can be divided into water-related phase change and phase change does not involve water two categories. Program involved in the water phase change can be divided into the use of water evaporation / condensation freezing with the other ingredients separately. Method does not involve phase change of water use mode (membrane) of the RO (reverse osmosis) and electro dialysis method and the use of ion exchange resin, ion-exchange method. It is only in respect of which the more important of several for a brief description (Spiegler, 1966).


