  • 期刊


The Vibratory Analysis of Tennis Rackets Made by High Strength Carbon Fiber


網球運動之擊球過程乃藉由前臂傳達力量至球拍與球相互接觸始完成擊球動作;在擊球瞬間,若使用的球拍不合適,將增加手臂之負擔,因此球拍纖維強度比例是運動員一項極為重要的參考指標,而人體在球拍揮擊的過程中,唯有選擇最佳化球拍之狀態下,才能有效地發揮肌肉動力,以完成動作並預防預防傷害之產生。本文以不同比例的高強度碳纖維製成之網球拍,藉由鉗鋏固定球拍方式,分析球拍拍柄部位所受振動的差異,五支網球拍的重量、網線張力和平衡點位置皆在相同控制下,進行網球拍面中心、上端與下端撞擊的振動測試。振動特性定量評估方式以高強度碳纖維與一般碳纖維其混合比例分別為1:0、3:1、1、1:1、1:3、和0:1為測試的對象。實驗數據之採集以BioPAC AcqKnow1edge的訊號處理系統和BioPAC(±50g)的加速規進行,採樣頻率為2000Hz,而網球的撞擊速度約為15±2公尺/秒。研究結果顯示:在上端撞擊時,球拍振動波之最大振幅較大,也因此消耗較多撞擊過程之總力學能,所以測得振動波在球拍柄的結果有最大之反應,推論其造成手臂之負荷較大,傷害之罹患率也會相對提高;再者,高強度碳纖維的物性並不足以改變一般碳纖維網球拍的勁度,因此當球拍勁度在相同條件下,球拍撞擊所產生振動波的最大振幅並未達顯著差異。


網球拍 振動


Nowadays, tennis players and coaches even scientist dream of finding the excellent racket that will immediately transform them improving high performance and reduce occur sports injury. Tennis is one of the racket-holding sports that the process of playing is not accomplished until the strength is conveyed to the racket with forearm to touch the ball. Several biodynamical properties of tennis rackets such as vibratory characteristics were affect athlete performance. The vibratory of rackets frame is absorbed by human arm which are distracting and uncomfortable, and even cause fatigue or injury. This study aimed at analyzing the vibratory of various tennis rackets, which were composed by the mixture of high strength carbon fiber and general carbon fiber. This study was also to investigate how the racket grips were affected by the racket vibratory. There were five different kinds of tennis rackets, composed by high strength carbon fiber and general carbon fiber in the ratio of 1 to 0, 3 to 1, 1 to 1, 1 to 3 and 0 to 1. The rackets had the same weight, string tension and balance. In this study, the experiment was to the vibratory in the grip of every tennis rackets of participant. One accelerometers (±50 g) and AcqKnowledge system were attached to each racket to acquire the vibratory signals. The impact of the tennis ball was set in the velocity of 15±2m/s. The selected variables in the experiments were tested by one-way ANOVA at α=.05 significant level. The results of this study indicated that the value of max amplitude were not increasing significantly on the grip as the content of high strength carbon fiber in the rackets was increasing. One the other hand, the max amplitude on top impact had the highest value. Therefore, when a player hit in top location of racket face, the tennis rackets would lose more mechanical energy. Thereby, the players might bear extra load in the arm and affect his/her performance in long term consideration.


tennis racket vibration


Brody, H.(1995).How would a physicist design a tennis racket?.Physics Today.March,26-31.
Brody, H.,S. J. Haake(Eds.),A. Coe(Eds.)(2000).Proceedings of 1st international Congress of Tennis Science & Technology.London:University of Surrey.


