  • 會議論文


An Exploration of Subjective Happiness on Primary School Teachers in Keelung City


本研究旨在探索國小教師對「幸福感」的主觀感受。根據相關文獻整理與訪談資料分析編製「基隆市國小教師主觀幸福感調查問卷」以分層隨機抽樣方式施測於基隆市小學共525位教師。 研究結果發現:一、基隆市國小教師實際感受到主觀幸福感依序爲:「覺得生活很有意義」、「對生活總是堅定而且投入」、「對大部分的人有好感」、「生活是美好的」及「過去的生活有特別愉快的記憶」;二、基隆市國小教師對於主觀幸福感在重要程度的看法與實際現況之間達顯著差異情形的前五項依序爲:「起床時不會感到疲累」、「覺得自己健康」、「精神飽滿」、「精力充沛」、「感到理想與現實沒有落差」;三、經由統計之主成分分析,國小教師幸福感可歸納出三個向度,分別爲:「生活滿意」、「活力」、「正向觀點」,依序分別解釋了47.357%、5.612%及4.336.%,總共解釋了57.30%的變異量。 研究結果可就兩方面提供參考;一、在學校方面:學校可針對本研究結果,正視教師幸福議題,來提昇教師幸福感。二、在政策制定方面:教師幸福感的提升策略將可與健康促進學校政策結合,營造更美好的友善校園,以促進教師的教學工作品質與提升學校整體的績效表現。


This research aims to explore the subjective happiness of primary school teachers in Keelung city. Based on interviews and related literature collection, a 'questionnaire of subjective happiness on primary school teacher' has been developed. The stratified sampling method has been employed for exploring 525 primary school teachers in Keelung city. This research results clearly show: (1) The factors of major happiness in reality are 'I feel that life is very rewarding', 'I am always committed and involved', 'I have very warm feelings towards almost everyone' and 'life is good', (2) The significant difference between 'real situation' and 'important issues' on the happiness factors are 'I rarely wake up feeling rested', 'I do feel particularly healthy', 'I feel fully mentally alert' and 'I have a great deal energy' and 'there is nearly no gap between what I would like to do and hat I have done'. (3) based on principal component analysis, the major dimensions are 'satisfied with life', 'mentally alert' and 'positive outlook', these accounted respectively for the following percentages of the variance: 47.357, 5.612 and 4.336, and totally, 57.30 % of variance has been shared. It is proposed that the results from this research can be applied in two ways. Firstly by primary school teachers to identify their level of subjective happiness for further promotion, and secondly by educational policy maker to consider this research combining with school health promotion movement for improving teaching quality and school performance.


