  • 期刊

An Exploratory Study of Female Creative Workers' Vocational Development



一般來說,女性之外在創造力表現成就遠不如男性,往往是知識權力不平等之結果。「創意階層」(Creative class)指的是一群有創意產出的工作者,例如藝術家、工程師或科學家等等(Florida, 2005)。在這些職業當中,藝術家無疑是最有創造力代表資格(Runco, 2007),因為其需要蘊釀情感及意念,並用技法表達出來形成作品。就職涯心理學觀點來看,個人進入創意階層牽扯到其內在特質與外在環境之適配關係。在內在特質方面,主要強調興趣、能力及價值觀,外在環境則為工作風格、人際關係、薪資報酬與升遷機會等等。在另一方面,Csikszentmihalyi (1996)認為創造力是在個體、學門與領域三者之互動結果。以藝術創作者而言,由於過往知識份子對於女性之偏見,否定了女性的創造力表現,使得女性藝術家難以留名青史。藝術界的性別歧視亦剝奪了具有創造力之女性工作者外在訓練機會、社會支持與財務援助。在艱困的創作環境與稀少的資源下,致使有抱負之女性藝術者缺乏內在自我肯定及外在社會認同(Brooks與Daniluk,1998),而回歸到社會期望之女性刻板角色當中。綜合上述,本研究結合了性別與創造力之雙向度之不同面向為主軸來做深入探討,期望進一歩能將兩性議題帶入創造力教育中,並能降低社會大眾對於女性藝術工作者之偏見。


Female creative performance is not so significant as male creative performance due to the knowledgeable inequality, which has been led by men for a relatively long period. Generally, ”Creative class” refers to a group of workers, such as artists and scientists, outputting creative products (Florida, 2005). Among the above creative works, artist certainly qualifies as the most creative one (Runco, 2007), since they need to incubate of affection and thoughts, and manipulate skills to express. In the light of the vocational psychology, the fitness between an individual (interests, abilities, and values) and environment (working style, interpersonal relationship, payment, and promotion opportunities) is important. Csikszentmihalyi (1996) also considered creativity a production within the interaction between individual, domain and field. Take art workers as an example, women's creativity has been rejected due to intellectual's discrimination, so that most of these females are unknown. Also, gender discrimination in the art world makes female artists get appropriate training, social support and financial aid under a difficult state. The rare resources have caused ambitious female artists may to lose their identifications easily (Brooks & Daniluk, 1998), or return to the traditional gender stereotypes with higher society recognition. Finally, we anticipate this study results will contribute to the education of creativity in the basis of sexual equality, and expel the common prejudice of female art worker.


Creative worker vocational development artist female
