本研究旨在編製未來想像傾向量表,以做為測量學生未來思考及想像傾向的工具。本量表首先經由文獻分析,歸納未來想像傾向可能涵括的7個向度,以此為架構初步編擬題目,編成48題預試題本。預試以臺北市358名高中職學生為預試樣本,並透過項目分析及探索性因素進行刪題及確認正式量表題目,最後保留20題編製成正式題本。量表區分為四個向度:超越現實、情感價值、情節建構、鑒往知來,每一向度5題。接著進行正式題本的信效度研究。分別於臺灣北中南東四地區部選取高中職19校(高中14校、高職5校),38個班級,每班40人,共計發放1520份問卷。問卷回收1391份,有效樣本1338份,男生687名,女生651名,其中高職學生393名,高中學生945名。有效樣本回收率為88.03%。研究結果發現,本量表具有良好的內部一致性信度(Cronbach's α係數分量表為.83~.86,全量表為.92),且構念效度方面經驗證性因素分析考驗,具有良好的模式適配。以「威廉氏創造傾向量表」、「想像力特質問卷」,「華─葛氏批判性思考量表精簡版WGCTA中文版」等做為效標,進行效標關聯的檢驗,結果發現此量表與想像力特質具有中高相關,與創造傾向則有中低度相關,且其中以「想像傾向」之相關最高,與批判性思考則僅有低度相關,支持此量表之未來想像構念乃一與創造思考、創造傾向、想像特質有關但又有所區別之傾向特質。此外,施測對象當中,參加「高中職未來想像與創意人才培育」計畫之高職學生,較未參加學校學生有較高的未來想像情感價值傾向;設計類科的高職學生,較普通高中學生有較高的未來想像願景建構與情感價值傾向,以上亦支持此量表具有一定的建構效度。
Present study aims to develop the Scale of Future Imagination Disposition as an assessment for the disposition of future thinking and imagination. Seven scopes of future imagination dispositions were concluded from the analyses of previous studies. A pretest edition of 48 items was developed on the bases of these seven scopes. Sample for pretest were 358 senior high school students in Taipei city. By the methods of items analysis and exploratory factor analysis, 20 items were confirmed and selected into formal scale. The scale has four dimensions, they are: (1) beyond reality, (2) emotional value, (3) plot construction, and (4) past review and future prediction. Each dimension includes 5 items. For the reliability and validity test, sample were 1520 students from 38 classrooms in 19 senior high schools in northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan. 1391 questionnaire were returned, and valid sample were 1388 people. They were 687 males and 651 females, including 393 vocational high school students and 945 high school students. Return rate of valid sample was 88.03%. Result finds that the scales shows adequate internal consistencies. Cronbach's α of subscales are between .83~.86, while it is .92 for the whole scale. By the confirmatory factor analysis for construct validity test, the scale shows adequate model structure. The criterion-related validity of the scale is evaluated with reference to the scores of Creativity assessment Packet, Imagination Disposition Test, and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. It finds that the scale is highly correlated to imagination traits, while it is moderately associated to creative disposition. In particular, the correlation with imagination disposition is high, the association with critical thinking is less. In a sum, the scale is correlated to but distinguished from creative thinking, creative disposition and imagination traits. In additions, vocational high school students who participated the program ”Creativity and Imagining the Future in Education” showed stronger disposition of emotional value for future imagination than the students who did not. The students of design department in vocational high school tended to show up the dispositions of vision forming for future imagination and emotion and value than the students of ordinary department. The scale appears to be valid in construct.