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When Mathematics Encounters Creativity: The Development of a Measuring Tool for Mathematical Creativity


回顧臺灣研究,並無研究針對數學領域編製創造力測驗與建立常模。本研究參考Haylock(1987a, 1987b, 1997)之觀點與其提出的數學創造力問題,修編一份適合國中生使用的數學創造力測驗。該測驗包含克服演算規則固著(overcome of algorithmic fixation, OAF)與擴散性生產(problem-solving of divergent production, PSDT)兩類問題,合計五題,施測的時間約40分鐘。本研究以臺灣地區1,505名國中生進行測驗的信、效度考驗。結果顯示:(一)數學創造力測驗具有良好的折半信度(OAF)、重測信度與評分者信度(PSDT);(二)驗證性因素分析結果支持數學創造力包含OAF與PSDT兩類問題;(三)效標關聯效度結果亦相當理想,即OAF、PSDT分別與頓悟性問題(Hsu, Lin, & Chen, 2011)及新編創造思考測驗(吳靜吉,1998)有較高的正相關。

Parallel abstracts

For the domain of mathematics, presently in Taiwan, no creativity test accompanied with norm has been developed for young learners. By adopting Haylock's (1987a, 1987b, 1997) theoretical framework and mathematical problems upon probing creativity aptitude, this research aims to draw up a mathematical creativity test (MCT) suitable for junior high school students. The MCT, requiring approximately 40-minute administration time, comprises 5 testing items for 2 main problem categories: overcome of algorithmic fixation (OAF) and problem-solving of divergent production (PSDT). 1,505 domestic junior high students were tested for examining MCT's reliability and validity. The analysis of participants' performance revealed that (1) both the Guttman split-half coefficient of OAF problems and the test-retest reliability and scorer reliability of PSDT problems reached a respectable level, (2) a conducted confirmation factor analysis supported the compartmentation of OAF and PSDT problems in the MCT, (3) further, the criterion-related validities of the OAF and PSDT to the Insight Problems (Hsu, Lin, & Chen, 2011) and the New Creativity Test (Wu, 1998) respectively were found considerably satisfactory.
