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The Representation of Tea Man in Lú Tóng's Poem "A Message of Thanks to Meng Jianyi for the Gift of New Tea" and Its Influence: A Treatise on the Meanings and Connotations of "Tea Man" and "Tea Dao"


長久以來,「茶人」一詞缺乏普遍性的涵義,往往是「見仁見智」,而「茶道」一詞也幾乎成為日本茶文化的專門用詞。從研究茶文化、推廣茶文化的層面加以考量,正本清源地探討此二詞的詞義內涵確有其必要;不過,檢索相關的期刊論文及著作,卻罕見以此作為專題者。因此,經由歷來文獻及相關著作之檢視分析,使茶人、茶道的詞義更具有客觀的學理基礎,並初步歸納出檢視茶人內涵的依據,從而探討盧仝在〈走筆謝孟諫議寄新茶〉一詩中所呈現的茶人內涵,乃撰寫本文之重要緣由與目的。 經本文研究,就「茶人」的詞義而言,包含:茶事內容、茶術特點、茶藝風格、茶德特質、茶理體悟等五種內涵,並初步作為檢視茶人的依據。就「茶道」的詞義內涵而言,計有:茶術特點、茶事之相關領域、茶藝風格、行茶過程中所體悟的道理等四項,經參酌《論語•述而篇》之理加以闡述,乃再增「茶德」一項,而相當於茶人所須具備的五種內涵。探究盧仝在〈走筆謝孟諫議寄新茶〉一詩中所呈現的人品學養,其良好的茶人內涵是顯然可見的,其形象定位也深受後代茶人的尊崇。


茶人 茶道 盧仝


Our objective in this paper is to discuss the personal characteristics of Tea Man and influence presented in Lú Tóng's poem ”A message of thanks to Meng Jianyi for the gift of new tea”. From historical research, there is no specific description for Tea Man, so people define this term based on their implicit understanding. As for Tea Dao, it is regarded as the representative of Japanese tea culture. For the study and goal of promoting tea culture, it is necessary to discuss the deep meanings behind these two terms, namely, Tea Man and Tea Dao. However, it is rare to find a scholarly analysis from the relevant journals and periodicals. In this paper we conduct a deep analysis of Lú Tóng's poem ”A message of thanks to Meng Jianyi for the gift of new tea”. Through this historical analysis of archival material, we hope to define Tea Man and Tea Dao in an objective way, and thereby promote the theoretical study of this domain of knowledge. In this research paper, Tea Man consists of five characteristics: content of tea services, art of tea, style of tea ceremony, moral cultivation in tea, and inspiration from drinking tea. Tea Dao consists of four elements: art of tea, tea services, style of tea ceremony and inspiration from processing tea during the tea ceremony. We incorporated a fifth element-moral cultivation in tea-in reference to The Analects of Confucius-Book of Shu R. The five elements of Tea Dao are congruent with the five characteristics of Tea Man. By studying Lú Tóng's poem ”A message of thanks to Meng Jianyi for the gift of new tea”, we conclude that Tea Man's self-cultivation presented in this poem was profound and its distinctive characteristics significantly influenced later generations.


Tea Man Tea Ceremony Lú Tóng
