  • 期刊


The Trend Analysis of Technology Education in Index to Chinese Periodical Literature on WWW: 1970-2007




In keeping with the social development, Taiwan had moved from the labor intensive of agriculture and industry to the post industry society of science and technology oriented. The China technology education started from Chin dynasty. It's educational goal changed from vocational exploring to industrial culture reorganization as well as teaching student's technology literacy. Imitated from United Stated of America, Taiwan's technology education emphasized in cultivating labor habit, but now there are big differences between these two areas in implementing the technology education. Based on the practical difference in these two countries, the motivation of this study was to explore the trend of technology education in Taiwan. Using the Taiwan WWW citation index as a inspection tool, analyzing the papers that titled with ”technology education”. 258 papers were adapted from 83 journals between 1970 and 2007. Four findings were concluded: (1) 36.43% that had rational of technology education was ranked on the top, (2) Regarding to the amount of pages or papers, the year of 2000 bad 249 pages and 2000 had 249 papers were the most. (3) ”Journal of High School Industrial Art” had 77 papers published was on the first place. (4) The total pages were 2230 on 2000, 8.64 pages for the average of each article. 15 papers that focused on living technology education were the highest. The result of this research will offer the trend of Technology Education as the result for the reference of the further study.
