  • 期刊


Establish Mobile-Oriented Knowledge Management System to Improve the Efficiency of the Medical Institution Management


新世紀的「科技領導」強調運用新的科技工具,以資訊科技扮演變革新的推動者(change agent)的角色,以提昇及催化改變的速度和規模,醫療院所的行政運作,其特殊的流程、資訊流通快速、訊息專業簡短等特性,適合利用「知識管理」理論及「行動科技」結合建立行動化、數位化的醫療院所決策體系,本研究協助醫療院所掌握醫療院所重要的發展目標推動改革,做為決策及管理之溝通管道及共同合作依據。運用了「行動科技」突破了時間、空間的限制傳遞資訊,在共享知識的過程中,增加彼此相互溝通與數位化交流的管道,在行動載具使用下,資訊普及化、機動化,在任何地點呈現醫療院所的資訊,讓醫療院所成員透過適當的程序而得到所需要的資訊或進行資訊交流分亭、資料分享,主管人員也可以隨時隨地;利用各種時間片段閱讀資料協助行政決策的規劃與推動,節省了工作時間,也減少工作負擔,並能隨時了解工作執行進度,創造出行動數位化形式溝通與共享的環境,知識管理與行動科技的整合性策略,可以創造競爭優勢。大幅地改變醫療院所內的行政決策環境,新的發展機制提供一個全新思維架構發揮創造力,共同來面對環境的變革,協助提升醫療院所行政決策品質,使各醫療院所建立屬於自己特色的新行政決策設計,讓醫療院所走入現代管理反現代科技整合的思潮。


Today's ”technology leadership” emphasizes the use of the new technology tool, coupled with the adoption of information technology as the change agent, in order to speed up and enhance the changes introduced. The medical institution administration mechanism impacts the overall quality of the medical treatment provided. By using this ”Mobile Carrier”, information will be made available everywhere, and people can access the medical information from anywhere that's convenient to them. In this paper, we apply the ”Knowledge Management” theory and the Mobile-Oriented Technology to build a digital administration decisions system, in order to assist the medical institution to stay focused on the important goals, to reform the medical treatment mechanism, to provide integral and relevant information, and to serve as the basis for management decision making. Mobile-Oriented Technology can break the restriction of time and space to deliver information. Through the sharing of digital information, the communication between the members of the medical institution will be improved. Such ubiquitous access of information enables the members of the medical institution to obtain and update information relevant to them easily. Management can also access the information they need to assist in administration decisions and strategic planning and execution at the time and location to their convenience. This kind of information availability creates a new communication pattern for information and establishes a new way of managing information and establishing strategy. And ultimately, this kind of information availability elevates the competitive advantages of the implementer. The proposed update to the medical institution information infrastructure enables a new approach that encourages creativity to embrace changes effectively; creates a self-conscious and self-improving of the administration decisions environment in the medical institution; helps improve the quality of the administration decisions in the medical institution; enables each medical institution to establish an administration decisions system most suitable to its characteristics; and allows the medical institution to catch up with the modem management and information technology trend.


