  • 期刊


A Study on Construction of a Relationship Model between Job Need and the Organizational Commitment of Employees within Business


本研究旨在探討台南科學園區企業員工工作需求與組織承諾之關係模式建構,研究對象依「產業別」採分層隨機抽樣方式進行調查,共發出500份問卷,回收270份,其中有效問卷228份,有效樣本回收率45.6%。運用行徑路分析(Path Analysis)探討組織承諾之工作需求關係模式,以利未來企業之經營管理,研究獲致以下結論:1.直接正向影響企業員工之組織承諾的變項分別為:薪資報酬、主管支持及職涯發展。2.間接正向影響企業員工之組織承諾的變項分別為:薪資報酬、主管支持及同事支持。3.薪資報酬、主管支持、同事支持、職涯發展及組織承諾間呈正相關。4.企業員工的組織承諾普遍呈正向態度。5.整體模式具有高度的解釋力。


工作需求 組織承諾


The aim of this study was to analyze the construction of a relationship model between job need and organizational commitment of the employees in the Tainan Science Park. The objects were obtained through stratified random sampling according to the ratio of various industries. A total of 500 surveys were sent out and 228 valid surveys were returned, with a return rate of 45.6%. The relationship model of between job need and organizational commitment was examined using Path Analysis in order to improve the business administration of the organization. The conclusions from this study are as follows:1. The variables which direct positive influence employee's organizational commitment are salary, supervisor support and career development.2. The variables which indirect positive influence employee's organizational commitment are salary, supervisor support and peer support.3. There is a positive relationship among salary, supervisor support, peer support, career development and organizational commitment.4. There is a positive attitude of the organizational commitment of employees within business.5. The whole constructed model has high explanatory power.


Job need Organizational commitment
