  • 會議論文


The Study of the Fuctions on Technology Promtion Activity: An Example of MacGyver Camp


科技滿足人類的需求,發展、設計、創造各種工具設備,使生活便利改善生活品質;從火的利用到磁浮、奈米科技的研究,都是科技演進過程中的具體表現。國內對於生活科技教育的忽視,導致在學校的教育階段中,無法滿足預定的學習目標。但從社會教育機構如科學工藝博物館的推廣活動中,卻看到科技教育的推廣成果。 因此,本研究之目的在探討社教機構的科技推廣活動,所扮演的科技教育角色。本研究以一個以求生訓練的夏令營課程,作爲探討參與者該項課程中課程的規劃、學生的學習,從活動的實際情形中;分析學生在實際情境下,透過「做中學」的體驗學習,來滿足生存所需技能的歷程。 研究採取觀察法、訪談法,具體分析其對科技使用的看法,以探討其對科技的認知程度,並據以分析,該推廣活動在科技教育中的角色扮演。


Technology can satisfy what people need and develop any equipment. Most important of all, science and technology can make life modern. From the use of fire to the research of magnetic-levitated and nano technology, both are the concrete performance of scientific process. However, the fact that we ignore life and technology education leads to we can‘t meet the goal that we set at the level of education. But according to the activities that hold by social institution such as scientific museum, we can find the achievements by scientific education popularizing. Therefore, the aim of this research is to confer the scientific education role that social institution play. The research is based on a summer camp that to seek to live. By observing the summer camp to confer how the course arrange and how students learn from activities. Besides, analyzing how students learn surviving skill from experiential learning. The research adopts observation and interview and analyzes the use of science and technology. To further, the research will confer how scientific activities play in the scientific education.
