  • 會議論文


A Study of Web-Based Employee Assistance Programs in the Teaching Hospital


醫療機構爲知識密集與人力密集的產業,近年來健保制度在總額預算的政策之下,醫療機構間的經營競爭更形激烈,也可以說是一種人力資源的競爭;若把醫療機構的員工視爲主要的內部顧客,基於有滿意的內部顧客才會有滿意的外部顧客之思維,醫療機構推行以人力資本觀點爲基礎的員工協助方案尌更形重要。 目前國內醫療機構因應新制醫院評鑑的要求,也漸漸重視員工協助方案的推行,而由於醫院的多重專業屬性,使得醫院推行員工協助方案時所需的專業諮商與輔導人力可以透過內部整合而不假外求,但如何透過醫院內部網路平台的整合,來建構更適切的員工協助方案,則有待進一步探討。 因此本研究旨在比較分析教學醫院運用網路平台建構醫院員工協助方案的現況,選取南部兩家教學醫院爲研究個案,採用賥化研究的方法,訪談高階主管及業務承辦人以瞭解其實施現況,本研究初步發現透過推行網路化員工協助方案的優點有:(1)匿名性及資訊保密的原則更爲落實、(2)可以更有效整合內部資源、(3)可針對個冸化需求提供資訊或服務、(4)可有效建立服務人員的績效考核督導機制;結果可提供各單位在推行網路化員工協助方案時之參考。


The medical treatment organization is a knowledge and human resource instensive industry, in recent years, under the policy of the total amount budget system in the national health insurance, the competition of medical treatment organizations is vigorous. That also can be treated as a kind of competition for human resource. In the hospital, the Employee Assistance Programs is more important than before. But, using the integrative network platform construct the Employee Assistance Programs of the hospital that needs the further study. The purpose of this study was to understand the results of Web-based Employee Assistance Programs in the teaching hospital, in order to study the individual cases in Kaohsiung area, two teaching hospital of the selection. The design of this research adopts the qualitative method. Finally, four findings are provided in this study.
